Monday, 19 October 2015

Psychosis though a Debilitating Disease can be Cured via Proper Treatment

Psychotic depression is a branch of major depression, arising out of severe mental or depressive illness. Psychosis may lead to hallucinations or delusions or detachment from real world. It is a common phenomenon, encountered by 1 out of every 5 people admitted in hospital due to depression. Here in this page you will get some detailed idea about this depression to get enlightened about the same:

How psychosis is different from other non psychotic depression?

The person going through this psychotic problem experiences some typical symptoms which include the following:

•    The sufferers are not in touch of reality
•    They suffer from hallucinations
•    Irrelevant or disorganized thoughts
•    Staying awake at night (insomnia), while sleeping entire day
•    Gets angry every now and then
•    Certain child like behaviours which are not natural
•    Remains silent most of the time or barely cracks some speech. When in talking terms there is inconsistency

Few other symptoms of psychosis

Here are some other symptoms of this type of disorders:

•    Agitation
•    Anxiety
•    Constipation
•    Intellectual impairments
•    Hypochondria
•    Physical immobility

Treatment of Psychosis and what does it involve:

This kind of disease can only be effectively treated under the skilled and experienced psychiatrists. Some therapies and psychosis treatment procedures include:

•    Proper medication with opt antidepressant pills or other neuronal medicines (especially neurotransmitter drugs) or other desired anti psychotic medicines.
•    Proper meditation along with regular counseling.

Each drug comes up with its unique side effects and may sometimes differ in their clinical efficacy profile. But these drugs are far more advanced and are better tolerated than earlier antipsychotics.

Do this kind of psychotic treatments are actually helpful?

Treatments for this kind of psychic attacks are indeed very helpful. There are many reported cases of complete recovery of the person suffering from this. If treated at an early stage, people get cured within a few months. But some may require a periodic check up followed by medication, to prevent the re-occurrence of the disease. If meditation and medications fail to give compelling results then electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is employed.

Psychotic depressions are not a matter to neglect. It leads a complete detachment from reality along with frequent hallucination attacks. This is more critical than any another non-psychotic depression. If not treated on time, the affected person may become completely insane and may even attempt to suicide. So, a proper on time treatment is very much important as soon as the problem is diagnosed.

Hearing Auditory Voices from Inside: Reason and Type

Some hear voices from inside, a kind of exceptional event encountered under extreme circumstances, while others live with their “voices” like a family for a prolong period of time. Now what do these people mean when they complain that they hear certain unusual voices? Are these sounds always a definite symbol of severe mental distress? Some of the reasons behind this problem are detailed here in-order to understand or describe the reason behind these hallucinations. Go through this:

Inner thoughts replicated as inner voices

For some people who encounter this kind of voices, these sounds are nothing but their inner thoughts, hopes or unfulfilled, unconsciously nurtured dreams. They are basically imaginative persons living in a world of fantasy. We, the so called normal people, also have internal monologues and this inner call is like a form of inner realistic speech or dialogue we want to hear at times, especially when in dilemma. These kinds of thoughts are always personalized and vary from person to person, coming from deep inside and not from any external invisible source.

Stress related voice audition

Some times excessive stress or exhaustion may result certain kind of mental illusion, in which people come across several voices which have no materialistic explanation. These kinds of sounds are characterized as being inconsistent. But these are very much real for the person hearing them and he or she believes that these sounds are truly existent.

Voices due to mental illness

Voices may also take birth due to certain kind of mental imbalance (schizophrenia, bipolar mood disorder with psychosis). This can be of any type starting from clouding of consciousness (delirium). The person generally goes in a state of intoxication and starts hearing several sounds around him or her.

Possible treatments of this kind of disorder:

•    Periodic Counseling
•    Counseling after performing hypnotism
•    Meditation
•    Proper Yoga
•    Several neuronal medicines (should be taken strictly under the supervision of medical professionals)
•    Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) or Positron Emission Tomography (PET): Scans the brain and lights up the auditory cortex involved in the hallucination process.

If you too are the victim of this kind of disorder and often ask people ‘why there are so many voices in my head?’, then quickly consult a good physiatrist or a neuro surgeon to get yourself treated early as otherwise the things may turn worse.