Tuesday, 3 May 2016

All That You Should Know About Psychosis And Its Treatments

Psychosis is often described as the condition where an individual has no touch with the real life in various ways. This condition will also be accompanied by hallucinations and delusions. People who suffer from Psychosis would have several false beliefs and tend to feel, hear or see things which are actually not there. Early intervention in the form of treatments would help the person from hurting their loved ones or themselves while preventing it from getting worse further. If you have a loved one with this condition then it is important to know more about it.

Cause of Psychosis:

There are many causes behind Psychosis like controlled behaviours and health issues which are not under control. Doctors would inform you that alcohol, specific prescription medications, using drugs, HIV, stroke, brain tumors, dementia, epilepsy types and brain diseases would cause Psychosis. Sometimes, those who have depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and other personality disorders would suffer from Psychosis.

What treatments are available for Psychosis?

Even though there is no permanent cure for Psychosis, you can seek Psychosis treatment to treat it. While some individuals would require short term treatment for Psychosis, other would need treatment in the long run with antipsychotic medications. In addition, the doctor would make recommendations to opt for addiction counselling and psychological therapy. There are several types of therapies available for Psychosis such as cognitive behavioural therapy is highly beneficial as it features an informal discussion about Psychosis and how the affected person is making program. family therapy is also very useful as it helps the family members to clear the concerns regarding Psychosis, helps them care for their loved one who is affected and enables them to cope up well.

Other methods available

One can find help through self groups. They can attend meetings regularly to meet people or go for individual counselling to improve their chances of recovering successfully. In addition, it would help you abstain from alcohol and drugs as it can cause great risk to their condition. Those who suffer from HIV would also have many self help groups to discuss their conditions, learn about others personal struggles and their concerns.

If an individual is experiencing severe symptoms of Psychosis then they would have to be hospitalized as it would help the doctors to observe their activities closely and make diagnosis in an accurate fashion. This can be very helpful both in the long run and for short term treatments.

What Are The Different Types Of Delusions In Schizophrenia?

Delusions are inaccurate beliefs which do not have any base in reality. Often people with schizophrenia experience delusions as a major symptom. They have impaired ability and their thinking is disorganized that prevents them from interpreting new details which can often lead to false perceptions. People with schizophrenia often experience some common types of delusions that are given below.

Persecutory delusions:

These types of delusions are very common among those who have schizophrenia. Such delusions make people to have some suspicions as the basis of the issue while focusing on a thing or a person. Generally, people who have this delusion feel that they are being followed, tormented, poisoned or harmed.

Grandiose delusions:

These grandeur delusions are based upon a wrong idea by a person that he is an extremely important person. Such sufferers of grandiose delusions believe that they are a celebrity or a powerful person. So, they get disturbed easily if others do not acknowledge them or recognize them.

Control delusions:

Such delusions of control make people with schizophrenia believe that some unknown force controls their actions and thoughts. They firmly believe that the thoughts are removed involuntarily off their mind and hence they believe that they are not responsible for the actions they perform.

Somatic delusions:

This kind of delusions make people stay preoccupied with their body. Such delusions make them believe few false beliefs like they have a tumor in the body or believe that an outside substance has entered their body.

Religious delusions:

These types of delusions often misguide the people about the relationship they have with God. People with schizophrenia would strongly believe that they hold very special bond with God or would even go to the extent of believing that God has bestowed them with special powers. They would also say that they have ability to speak with God directly or is assigned with a task to perform. In severe cases, they would even believe that they are God.

Referential delusions:

These forms of delusions are yet another common one found among people with schizophrenia. Such delusions would make people believe that other people’s words, actions or gestures refer them or is directed at them. They would also believe that the book lines, TV shows or comments are only made about them.

The above mentioned types are the common forms of delusions found in people with schizophrenia.