There are a lot of people; adults as well as children hearing voices in
their head. It is becoming a common disorder these days. People find
it difficult to diagnose the disorder. All of us know the causes and
treatment for this disease, but a few are aware of the symptoms.
If someone says, “I hear voices in my head”, it
is not advisable to draw conclusions straight away that the person is
mentally ill. There are a few other signs which conclude that the
person is disturbed. So, let us go through some of the most important
symptoms for the same...
- If the person tends to mix less socially with friends or does not prefer to attend family functions, it can be considered as a symptom.
- You might see and hear him talk and laugh as if he is having a conversation with a friend.
- They might loose interest in the social as well as normal activities.
- They can’t concentrate in the TV programmes.
- Students cannot pay attention in lectures, nor can they concentrate in studies.
- If they happen to talk to you, their talks might seem irrelevant to you which does not make sense at all.
- They might become lazier than ever and lethargic in their day to day activities.
- They have no motivation to achieve anything in their life; no goals, no job!
- They can act out of character when they go out with friends or relatives; which is easily noticeable.
- They may initiate talking bizarre about which other people are not aware of.
- They might just not want to take care about themselves.
Now that you have understood the above mentioned
symptoms of the people who hear voices in their heads, you should take
the person to the doctor for the consultation as soon as you observe the
signs. It is advisable not to come into the panic state; just take the
actions as per the guidance of the doctor. The only thing you need to
take care of is about choosing the right doctor.