Voices when heard arbitrarily may be critical, a sort of warning
system developed by the body to alarm the individual or they may be
complimentary as well. It is difficult to understand the experience of hearing
voices unless you have been through one yourself as this experience is not as
rare as it is commonly thought to be.
Why do you have such
Are you wondering ‘why do I hear voices? Hearing voices or
auditory hallucinations are a common symptom in severe mental disorders like
schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and anxiety disorder. Hallucination tends to
occur because the affected person has lost all real-time connection with the
surrounding environment and seeks several ways of escape. Some people also
experience sensations of smell, touch, tastes, vision and abstract thoughts.
What is it like?
Voices listened by the person are akin to normal listening of sounds,
though these sounds have no physical source and often tend to enter a person's
mind as if they were thoughts. People sometimes claim to hear tone of people
who have died long ago. There are various ways in which these voices can be
listened. Some people listen them within the head or outside it and even inside
the body. The sounds may range from one to many and may either talk to you
directly or talk about you. For intensive hearers, these sounds are present all
throughout the day and hamper their daily activities. These tones also
sometimes threaten to harm them and demand to be obeyed.
Getting Help
Hearing unknown voices every day may be a daunting experience, but there
are quite a few ways to nip it in the bud and prevent this symptom from growing
into a more severe case of psychotic disorder. One way is to seek the counsel
of a medical practitioner who possesses expertise in mental health. Cognitive
behavioural therapy, psychotherapy, hypnosis and counselling are common tools
that allow effective prognosis and cure. Also sharing experiences with other
voice hearers or trusted friends or a family member enhances self-esteem and
makes it easier to cope up with the condition. Sometimes counselling of family
members is also done to broaden their minds and teach them to render support
and acceptance to the sufferer.